Darllen / Reading
Mae Llyfrgelloedd CNPT yn cynnig cyfle gwych i blant cael mynediad i fwy o adnoddau darllen. Manteisiwch ar y cyfle yma. Darllenwch isod am fwy o wybodaeth.
For those looking for extra reading materials, if you or your child has a library card, you can use an app called Borrow Box to borrow e-books from the library. You can access books, audio, and magazines. You will need your library card number as your username and the date of birth of the cardholder as the password DD.MM.YYYY
If you do not have a library card you can join online for free via the following link: https://www.npt.gov.uk/5716
This is a fantastic app that will allow your child to continue reading throughout this time away from school
Cyfnod Sylfaen / Foundation Phase
Llyfrau Tric a Chlic / Books online
Mae Canolfan Peniarth nawr wedi cyhoeddi’r llyfrau Tric a Chlic yn ddigidol yn ystod pandemig Covid-19. Bydd rhaid creu cyfrif er mwyn cael mynediad i bob llyfr darllen o’r gyfres. Peniarth have released every Tric a Chlic book digitally for free during the Covid-19 pandemic. You will need to create an account to access every book in the series.
Tric a Chlic Podlediadau / Podcasts
Ewch i wefan youtube Canolfan Peniarth am podlediadau Tric a Chlic ar gyfer pob cam o’r cynllun. Go to Canolfan Peniarth youtube channel for Tric a Chlic podcasts for every step of the plan.